Set ODBC Driver version:
Set the connection handle:
hdlEnv, &hdlConn);
Connect to the database:
SQLConnect(hdlConn, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,SQL_NTS,(SQL CHAR*) userID,SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
3. Choose Driver
•DSN – Data Source Name
•Open the GUI ODBC Administrator (ODBCConfig)
•Choose the appropriate ODBC driver
•Provide a meaningful name to the DSN
•Specify the server and the host string (host string is required if the server is running on a different machine)
4. Query the Database
Querying the database involves the following steps:
–Creating a Statement
, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);
It allocates the memory for the statement handle. The database handle obtained during connection phase is passed as the second argument.
– Executing a Query
SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, stmt, SQL_NTS);
It executes the query, which is passed in as SQLCHAR* in the second argument.
5. Extract the Data out of the Executed Query
It extracts data from table as void* data and places it in retVal
colNum refers to the column number provided in the SELECT statement in SQLExecDirect()
Type is one of the standard ODBC data types
example: DT_STRING Ã for a string data type
DT_DOUBLE Ã for a double data type
buffLength is the estimated size of the expected data
cbData is the actual size of the data
6. Traverse Through the Results
Fetches the next record
hStmt is the statement handle obtained using SQLAllocHandle
If a record is available, It returns SQL_SUCCEEDED
7. Close the Statement and the Connection
It closes and de-allocates the memory reserved for the statement handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlConn);
It disconnects and de-allocates the memory reserved for the connection handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);
It de-allocates the memory occupied by the environment handle
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